Ier en Gunter...
In 2006 IER & GUNTER started as choire to share the lyrics of the traditional maritime songs called shantys.
We bring songs arranged for four voices, so our choir consists of men and women. What we bring is wide and varied as well: in the beginning we usually performed Irish and English folk, but eventually our repertoire has been greatly enlarged.
Now we also bring world music, chanson or pop, and we even take the risk to sing renaissance or baroque songs.
IER & GUNTER: one conductor (sometimes playing the piano), one guitar-player, and lots of men and women with sweet voices.
Of course you can join the singing !
European Musical Extravaganza at the Medway Queen Festival of the 2 Seas Gillingham (Kent) UK
"The Belgian Choir from Ostend who in many ways epitomised the spirit and message of the event.
Ier en Gunter created a wonderfully harmonious and cosmopolitan atmosphere with their unity and humour, as they sang out their impressive repertoire of maritime related songs in some ten languages !"
Gregg McDonald
Cork International Choral Festival Ireland
Guest Performance: National Competition for Light, Jazz and Popular Music, City Hall
Ier en Gunter (Belgium) is based in the Belgian coast town of Ostend which bears the proud title of ‘Stad aan zee’. The ‘Ier’ in the name, which is Dutch for both ‘here’ and ‘Irishman’, is a reference to founding member Joe Mullen, who was originally from Cobh, Co. Cork. Conducted by Mr. Dirk Ooms, it is a mixed four voice amateur choir with a broad repertoire consisting of Irish and English folksongs, World music, Chanson, Pop, Jazz, Renaissance, and Baroque pieces. Dirk Ooms is a pianist and director at the Ostend Music Conservatory. The choir is also accompanied on guitar by Patrick Gyselen.
Last Post tribute Meningate - Ypres
Cork International choir Festival - Ireland